Feb 20, 2009

C ptrs

Void ptr
Fn ptr
Void ptr fn (not like void ptr)
Pointer to an array
Array of ptrs

 Int *p;

 There will be a memory space reserved for 2 bytes which can store address of integer type.

 &p represents address of the pointer variable. Mostly we won’t use this..

P = &somevariable

That Is P will gives the address of the variable it points to.

*p= some value , will make somevariable to assign some value.

 We can have **p ,***p,****p so on…

 Always p can hold some address of int type…

 Int in int *p implies the somwvariable value is of int type…

 Char in char *p implies somevariable value is of char type…

 Void in void *p implies the somevariable can be of any type.. it is known only at run time…

 We can also have pointer functions…

 Consider a function int p(int a) that returns ‘a’ value

Int (*ptf) (int) = &p; // the braces are mandatory…

 also we can call like ptf = p;

 We can invoke the function by 2 way..


(*ptf) (2);

 Both will return 2 as output.

these thing will work fine in laptop memory

sample program

# include

# include


 void func1(int (*a)[10][10])


printf("%d  ",a);


void func2(int a[][][])






int main()


int a[10][10][10],b[10];

printf("%d   ",a);





return 0;
