Apr 23, 2009

Packages in pl/sql

A simple example

package specification

SQL> create or replace package calculator
  2  as 
  3   procedure addition(n1 number,n2 number,add OUT number);
  4   procedure mul(no1 number,no2 number,product OUT number);
  5   end calculator;
  6  /

Package created.

package body

SQL> create or replace package body calculator
  2  is
  3  Procedure addition(n1 number,n2 number,add OUT number)
  4  as
  5  begin
  6  add := n1+n2;
  7  dbms_output.put_line(add);
  8  end addition;
  9  Procedure mul(no1 number,no2 number,product OUT number)
 10  as
 11  begin
 12  product := no1*no2;
 13  dbms_output.put_line(product);
 14  end mul;
 15  end calculator;
 16  /

Package body created.

SQL> var jose number;
SQL> exec calculator.addition(23,6,:jose);

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Removing packages

Drop package package_name;

Drop package body package_name;

Bodiless package

  2  IS
  3  PI NUMBER := 3.14;
  5  /



To execute a package memeber

EXEC PACKAGE_NAME.function()[or procedure() or constant]

Method overloading possible inside package 

  1  create procedure B(a number)
  2  is
  3  begin
  4  dbms_output.put_line(a);
  5* end;
SQL> /

Procedure created.

SQL> create procedure B(a number,b number)
  2  is 
  3   begin
  4   dbms_output.put_line(a||b);
  5  end;
  6  /
create procedure B(a number,b number)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object

But by using packages we can overload the above procedures...


SQL> create package pp
  2  as
  3  procedure pop(v varchar2);
  4  procedure pop(x varchar2);
  5  end;
  6  /

Package created.

To execute above use 

exec pp.pop(x=>’kar’);

One time only procedure

 It has no package body with in the package specification itself procedure definition is coded...Refer book


1.Security (Granting privileges)
2.Global access (Sharable objects)
3.Modularity (Grouping related objects)
4.Min disk space

points to remember:

The variables that are declared inside package specification are called public scope variables and those with in package body are called private.
Variables declared inside the package specification have NULL value if not initialized.
The public variables can be used or re initialized inside a package or in the exec statement.
We can invoke a function from a procedure inside the same package just by calling its name and appropriate parameter passing.
Package within another package not allowed.
Cursor variables cannot be declared inside package specification it can be used only inside pl-sql block.

Pragma restrict_references(funname,wnds,wnps,rnds,rnps)