In this modern world no one has even time to take care of them selves. All are running behind the money and are toiling in the midnight oil. They forget one thing after all the money is for worldly living in searching of it their personal health is spoiling a lot. Research shows a man should have at least 6 hours sound sleep a say. But most of the business men Don't even know what is sound sleep is ??? In case of students junk foods has become so favorite. As a result of all these things one started to put more weight that in turn causes lots of other health disorders. Heart attack occurs mainly due to cholesterol and this cholesterol get aggravated due to improper diet and lack of physical work. Here after at least understand it's effect and work according to that. Money is not everything. Personal hygiene is very important so don't neglect it at any cost. Do regular exercise. Maintain proper healthy diet. Ask your doctor regarding Leptorexin. it may help you in reducing your weight at quick instant. The pills when taken under proper prescription will benefit you for sure. But do keep in mind these pills must be well supported by the diet ou maintain. So keep your body slim and trim!!! And be happy with diet pills... Enjoy!!!